Our projects


Dear customers!

Industry-Service company values its reputation and responsible for the fulfilling of liabilities, maintaining the stable high level of cooperation.

Obviously, relationships between our company and You are regulated by legislative rules and by the terms of signed contract, but such factors as quality and easy way of communication, the satisfaction from the cooperation with the company are critically important for us.

If working with our company:

You unsatisfied by the quality of communication with our employee.

There are comments concerning cooperation, which are not regulated by the contract and agreements.

In your opinion, there is excess exists, that means the excess of power from the employee side or the employee acts beyond his functions

We earnestly ask you to inform us concerning your complaints: to the Company Management directly – to the owners of Industry-Service company – head office is in St-Petersburg, phone number +7 812 603 26 46 (manager assistant) or via e-mail: .